Bali, Indonesia

An ancient abandoned art shop in Bali, Indonesia.

Grojogan Sewu

meaning a thousand waterfalls, is a waterfall located in Central Java. To get to this waterfall, you have to walk hundreds of stairs. The climb is worth the view that will surely take your breath away.

Harimau Sumatera

Harimau Sumatera. Indonesia.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dodola Island, Maluku

Go from island-to-island, no bridge necessary! That’s the case at Dodola Island in Maluku, where a wide stretch of white sandy beach connects the islands Dodola Large and Dodola Small. The walk from one island to another offers a view of crystal clear waters and permanent blue skies. Tired of walking? Take a break, have a picnic, and relax as the sun sets.
Pergi dari pulau ke pulau, tanpa jembatan! Hal ini terdapat di Pulau Dodola, Maluku dengan adanya pantai pasir putih yang menghubungkan pulau Dodola Besar dengan Dodola Kecil. Perjalanan tersebut menawarkan pemandangan laut yang jernih dan langit yang selalu biru. Capek berjalan? Istirahatlah dan rileks sambil melihat matahari terbenam.

Hard Rock Beauty

Hard Rock Beauty. Located in Cihara village, between the Bayah and Malingping district, you’ll find this hidden gem.
Hard Rock Beauty. Terletak di desa Cihara, antara distrik Bayah dan Malingping, anda akan menemukan permata yang tersembunyi ini.

Cake Island, West Sumatera

This little island on the coast of West Sumatra does not have an official name. Some locals call it “Cake Island” for obvious reasons. :)
Pulau kecil ini di pantai Sumatera Barat tidak memiliki nama resmi. Beberapa penduduk setempat menyebutnya “Pulau Kue” untuk alasan yang jelas. :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pulau Pangkil Kecil

Pulau Pangkil Kecil is exclusive tropical island resort located close to the equator, 95 km from Singapore and is only available to rent as a whole.
Pulau Pangkil Kecil, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia.

Jewelry in Balinese Daily Life

Jewelry is an integral part in Balinese daily life. From a baby’s amulet to a dancer’s ornaments to honor the dead (seen here), jewelry is closely linked with ritual and ceremony.
Perhiasan merupakan bagian integral dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di Bali. Dari jimat bayi sampai ornamen pernari untuk menghormati orang yang meninggal (terlihat di sini), perhiasan terkait erat dengan ritual dan upacara Bali.
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