Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dodola Island, Maluku

Go from island-to-island, no bridge necessary! That’s the case at Dodola Island in Maluku, where a wide stretch of white sandy beach connects the islands Dodola Large and Dodola Small. The walk from one island to another offers a view of crystal clear waters and permanent blue skies. Tired of walking? Take a break, have a picnic, and relax as the sun sets.
Pergi dari pulau ke pulau, tanpa jembatan! Hal ini terdapat di Pulau Dodola, Maluku dengan adanya pantai pasir putih yang menghubungkan pulau Dodola Besar dengan Dodola Kecil. Perjalanan tersebut menawarkan pemandangan laut yang jernih dan langit yang selalu biru. Capek berjalan? Istirahatlah dan rileks sambil melihat matahari terbenam.

Hard Rock Beauty

Hard Rock Beauty. Located in Cihara village, between the Bayah and Malingping district, you’ll find this hidden gem.
Hard Rock Beauty. Terletak di desa Cihara, antara distrik Bayah dan Malingping, anda akan menemukan permata yang tersembunyi ini.

Cake Island, West Sumatera

This little island on the coast of West Sumatra does not have an official name. Some locals call it “Cake Island” for obvious reasons. :)
Pulau kecil ini di pantai Sumatera Barat tidak memiliki nama resmi. Beberapa penduduk setempat menyebutnya “Pulau Kue” untuk alasan yang jelas. :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pulau Pangkil Kecil

Pulau Pangkil Kecil is exclusive tropical island resort located close to the equator, 95 km from Singapore and is only available to rent as a whole.
Pulau Pangkil Kecil, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia.

Jewelry in Balinese Daily Life

Jewelry is an integral part in Balinese daily life. From a baby’s amulet to a dancer’s ornaments to honor the dead (seen here), jewelry is closely linked with ritual and ceremony.
Perhiasan merupakan bagian integral dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di Bali. Dari jimat bayi sampai ornamen pernari untuk menghormati orang yang meninggal (terlihat di sini), perhiasan terkait erat dengan ritual dan upacara Bali.

Grojogan Sewu

Grojogan Sewu, meaning a thousand waterfalls, is a waterfall located in Central Java. To get to this waterfall, you have to walk hundreds of stairs. The climb is worth the view that will surely take your breath away.
Grojogan Sewu, yang berarti air terjun seribu, adalah air terjun yang terletak di Jawa Tengah. Untuk sampai ke air terjun ini, Anda harus berjalan ratusan tangga. Pendakian ini bernilai pemandangan yang mempesona.

Bandung, Java

As the sun sets over Bandung, Java.

Sewaktu matahari terbenam di Bandung, Jawa.

Bilingual Posts

Hey bloggers,
I have decided to make posts in both English and Indonesian, so travel information about Indonesia can be shared to a larger audience.
You can also learn and improve your Indonesian or English language skills this way! For free! No language class needed, just follow this blog and continue reading ;)
Enjoy and cheers,
Proud Indonesian


Hei para bloggers,
Saya telah memutuskan untuk membuat posting disini dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia, agar informasi pariwisata tentang Indonesia dapat disebar lebih luas. 
Kamu juga dapat belajar dan meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Indonesia atau Inggris melalui ini! Gratis! Tidak perlu mengambil kelas bahasa, cukup mengikuti blog ini dan terus membaca posting ;)
Proud Indonesian

Matras Beach at Bangka, Belitung.

Matras Beach at Bangka, Belitung.

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple is the world’s largest Buddhist structure and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Few who visit fail to be taken by both the scale of this monument and the remarkable attention to detail that went into to the construction. A visit to Borobudur will surely awe and intrigue you with its history.
Candi Borobudur adalah struktur agama Budha terbesar di dunia dan salah satu UNESCO World Heritage Site. Jarang sekali orang yang mengunjungi yang tidak terpana dengan skala monumen tersebut dan perhatian yang rinci terhadap pembangunan monumen tersebut. Pergi berkunjung ke Candi Borobudur pasti akan membuat kamu kagum dan penasaran dengan sejarah monumen tersebut. 

Kuta Beach

Kuta Beach. Bali, Indonesia

Gurame Bakar

One of my favorite Indonesian dishes - Gurame Bakar or Grilled Carp! Grilled to perfection in sweet sauce and sprinkled with fried onions, served with super spicy chili sauce. A unexpected blend of flavors that will make you go WOW.
Salah satu makanan Indonesia favorit saya - Gurame Bakar! Di panggang dengan sempurna dalam saus manis dan ditaburi dengan bawang goreng, disajikan dengan saus cabai yang sangat pedas. Campuran rasa tak terduga yang akan membuat Anda berseru WOW.

Borobudur Temple, Yogyakarta

The moonlight shining on Borobudur Temple, Yogyakarta.
Cahaya bulan bersinar pada Candi Borobudur, Yogyakarta.

Bali, Indonesia

Enjoy the view with me. Bali, Indonesia.
Nikmatilah pemandangan dengan aku. Bali, Indonesia.

Nasi Tumpeng

Nasi Tumpeng has been chosen as an icon of Indonesia’s traditional cuisine from 29 other traditional cuisine icons. I think Nasi Tumpeng is an excellent choice as an icon because it showcases a diverse flavors all in one dish. It’s represents Indonesia as a country, a diverse country with thousands of traditions, hundreds of ethnic groups and unique dialects, and over 17,508 islands.
What is Nasi Tumpeng? Click here for a previous post.
Read the full article here. Note: It’s in Indonesian.

Nasi Tumpeng dipilih sebagai ikon andalan kuliner tradisional Indonesia dari 29 ikon kuliner tradisional lainnya. Menurut saya, Nasi Tumpeng merupakan pilihan yang cocok sebagai ikon kuliner tradisional Indonesia karena menampilkan rasa-rasa yang beraneka ragam. Sangat cocok sekali karena Indonesia merupakan negara yang beraneka ragam, dengan ribuan tradisi, ratusan grup etnik and logat unik, dan lebih dari 17,508 pulau-pulau.

I've to Believe that

I've to believe that ...
Everything that has been taken from me will never come back if It isn't good enough for me ...

I've to believe that ...
God will give the best one, no need to think bout things that have been gone ...

I've to believe that ...
God took something from me for making me realize that I deserve to get the better one ...

People come and go. People leave and stay. But you can't control to choose who leave and who stay. The only thing that you can do is ... face it. You have no control over 'em. If you think that you have found a person who you know well, you are totally wrong.

Thank God for everything that I have. Thank God for everything that you give to be around me right now. Thank God for everything that You have been taken away for me, I believe that one day You gonna give me the better one when I deserve it ...

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